Myths about applying perfume

Published January 21, 2022

Spray, enjoy and live happily ever after? We wish every relationship with the new perfume would be as idyllic but it’s not always as easy as it seems to rock the perfume game! Don’t worry though, with the right knowledge you will never be disappointed again. We’re taking a look at some perfume application myths below. Learn how to master the art of wearing the perfumes and become your very own scent expert.

Rubbing will destroy a scent

False. Rubbing will not “break up the molecules”. If that was the case, just the mere act of putting your coat on would ruin the scent. Molecules - even fragrance ones - are hardier than that. That said, there is no need to rub. Just spray your favourite perfume and maybe dab your wrists together. Excessive rubbing may cause the volatile top notes to evaporate quicker, but that’s it. Your scent isn’t broken.

Less is more

True. Trust us. Pouring the whole perfume bottle on yourself won’t benefit in longer lasting scent. What will probably happen is that your olfactory aura will overwhelm others and simply turn them off. Perfumes are meant to stay on our skin, so there is no need on over spraying.

It doesn’t matter where you spray

False. Coco Chanel said that a woman should apply perfume in those areas where she would like to be kissed. We couldn’t agree more! The best places to apply a perfume are the "pulse points" - the warm areas of our bodies, where the blood vessels are closest to our skin. To make your scent last longer, apply your perfume behind ear lobes, on your wrists, behind knees or at the base of your throat. Even the belly button!

Shake, shake, shake!

False. Never shake your perfume. Instead, handle it with care! Perfumes are designed to stay still. Shaking your perfume can cause air turbulence - air bubbles will form in the liquid which in the end can reduce its quality. If you want to enjoy your beloved scents for many months to come - do not shake.


Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Cashmere Wood


Padre EdP


Cardamom, Ambroxan, Leather
Moisturised skin holds scents longer

True. “Perfume doesn’t last long on dry skin,” says perfumer Francis Kurkdjian. Same as a good primer will keep your makeup fresh for hours, the lotion or moisturizer applied before your perfume will help lock in the scent. Make sure your body lotion is unscented (or has a complementing fragrance) so it does not clash with your favourite perfume. Enjoy the long lasting scent on your skin!